Hey Dealer Raises KRW 45 Billion to Transform South Korea’s Used Car Market

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PRND Company, which operates South Korea’s used car trading platform Hey Dealer, has secured an investment of KRW 45 billion. This investment round included participation from several institutions, including Korea Development Bank(KDB), Atinum Investment, and IMM Investment.

Hey Dealer explained, “This investment was made possible due to the high growth potential of our new services, such as the recently launched ‘Hidden History of Used Cars’. Our commitment to transparency in used car information, which is anticipated to expand the market, was recognized by the investors.”

Investors noted, “Hey Dealer has experienced rapid growth in a short period, attributed to user-friendly services like Hey Dealer Zero that simplify the process of selling used cars.” Hey Dealer further stated, “This investment will allow us to more intensively focus on addressing the challenges within the used car market.”

As of January 2024, Hey Dealer boasts 13 million subscribers, with the cumulative transaction value exceeding KRW 10 trillion.

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  1. […] Hey Dealer Raises KRW 45 Billion to Transform South Korea’s Used Car MarketHey Dealer, a South Korean used car platform, secured KRW 45 billion from KDB, Atinum Investment, and IMM, surpassing 13 million subscribers and KRW 10 trillion in transactions. […]

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