All Government Startup News in Korea (Korean Startup News)

MSS Hosts Fabless Startup Roundtable to Strengthen the System Semiconductor Sector

2024-06-14 < 1 min read

MSS Hosts Fabless Startup Roundtable to Strengthen the System Semiconductor Sector

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Minister Oh Young-joo of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups convened a roundtable on the 13th at the Seoul Center for Creative Economy & Innovation, where he gathered diverse feedback from attendees including the Chairman of the Korea Fabless Industry Association, representatives from fabless startups, and a professor from Seoul National University’s System Semiconductor Industry Promotion Center.

The meeting was aimed at discussing policy strategies to support fabless startups, a critical sector within the system semiconductor industry, amid national efforts to strengthen the semiconductor sector.

Beginning with expert presentations on recent trends and key issues in the global and domestic fabless industry, the session progressed with discussions where fabless startup representatives shared their suggestions and received responses. Topics included support for design assets (EDA tools, IP) tailored to different stages of company growth, securing skilled semiconductor design personnel, fostering collaboration with major companies, and expanding support for prototype production processes (MPW).

Minister Oh Young-joo underscored the importance of the fabless sector in managing the design aspect of the system semiconductor value chain, likening it to the brainpower of the ecosystem crucial for securing the nation’s future. He affirmed the ministry’s commitment to incorporating on-site feedback into policies and providing robust support to help fabless startups scale globally and advance the system semiconductor ecosystem.

[Semiconductor Startup News in Korea]

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