All Bio-HealthCare Funding Startup News in Korea (Korean Startup News)

MIMETICS Secures Seed Funding for Biomimicry-Based Skin Care and Medical Solutions

2024-03-18 2 min read


MIMETICS Secures Seed Funding for Biomimicry-Based Skin Care and Medical Solutions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The South Korean startup MIMETICS, utilizing biomimicry technology to offer skin beauty and medical solutions, has secured seed funding from FuturePlay and Mashup Ventures. Founded in 2019 by students at Sungkyunkwan University, MIMETICS has advanced its R&D capabilities and accumulated research data over five years, involving a team led by Professor Bang Chang-hyun from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science. The company has successfully completed four technology transfers from Sungkyunkwan University and filed for more than 30 patents domestically and internationally, dedicating itself to commercialization.

MIMETICS discovered that the intricate three-dimensional dome structure of octopus suckers generates a physical negative pressure, enabling adherence to any surface regardless of environmental and surface properties. Notably, this three-dimensional dome structure maintains exceptional adhesive properties in various conditions, including water, silicone oil, and moist skin.

Leveraging this knowledge, MIMETICS developed a wearable patch that applies negative pressure to the stratum corneum, creating pathways for drug delivery. This innovation aims at penetrating the transdermal drug delivery market, significantly enhancing the skin penetration depth of molecules like hyaluronic acid and peptide components. These substances are known for their beneficial skin care effects but were previously unable to penetrate the stratum corneum, now achieving up to a threefold increase in skin penetration.

Hyung-ki Park, CEO of MIMETICS, stated, “Through our safe skin adhesive technology inspired by nature, MIMETICS can extend this technology across multiple industries, including cosmetics, medical devices, and pharmaceuticals. This year, MIMETICS is set to launch a focused beauty program and the PDC (Pore Door Controller™) product lineup through its own brand, ForAdore, emphasizing pore science to effectively care for the skin via drug delivery.”

Mo Sang-hyun, Executive Vice President of FuturePlay, who led the investment, commented, “MIMETICS’s biomimicry-based core technology not only provides significant technological value in drug delivery efficacy but also embodies the brand value of nature. By leveraging these values to introduce new categories such as Skin Stimulators, we anticipate it will transform the beauty market landscape, which motivated our investment.”

Furthermore, with this investment, MIMETICS is planning to recruit talented designers and strategic planners for its ODM and OBM businesses, aiming to continuously attract high-quality talent.

[Korean BeautyTech Startup News]

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