Saudi Data & AI Authority Officials Visit Kakao Mobility to Explore Future Mobility Collaborations

Kakao Mobility announced that on the 28th, a delegation from the Saudi Data & AI Authority (SDAIA) visited its headquarters in Pangyo. SDAIA, which operates directly under Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and spearheads “Saudi Vision 2030,” discussed potential collaborations and explored Kakao Mobility’s future mobility technologies driven by AI and movement data. The visit included SDAIA President Abdullah bin Sharaf Al Ghamdi and other key figures, along with Kakao Mobility CEO Ryu Kung-seon and Director Jang Sung-wook from the Future Mobility Research Institute. 3 sdaia - 와우테일

During their visit, the delegation was introduced to Kakao Mobility’s vision and practical applications in areas such as autonomous driving, robotics, UAM (Urban Air Mobility), and digital twins. They experienced an autonomous vehicle service in the Pangyo area, observed the robot delivery service, and inspected Mobile Mapping System (MMS) robots operational at the headquarters.

SDAIA showed significant interest in the operational status and commercial prospects of Korea’s future mobility services, particularly autonomous driving and robot deliveries. They were also keen on Kakao Mobility’s expertise in managing big data on mobility and platform operations. Discussions focused on expanding these future mobility services into Saudi Arabia and other regions.

Additionally, the discussions extended to Kakao Mobility’s digital twin capabilities. The company highlighted its work on HD map construction with its MMS equipment and shared its experiences from deploying a digital twin in Saudi Arabia in 2021, presenting opportunities for collaboration in mobility and related industries. 1 sdaia - 와우테일

CEO Ryu Kung-seon emphasized the global potential of their technology, stating, “The technological infrastructure and AI technology we’ve developed from our extensive mobility data will serve as a cornerstone of the future mobility industry. We are committed to accelerating the commercialization of autonomous driving, robotics, and UAM services in Korea, and to fostering various technology export opportunities internationally.”

Kakao Mobility has hosted several visits from international institutions aiming to discuss strategies for mobility platforms and technological cooperation in future mobility. Notably, Singapore’s Transport Minister Amy Khor visited last June for a roundtable on mobility platform strategies, and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) visited in December 2022 to experience autonomous driving technology firsthand.

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