Homes Company Secured Investment from Aqaralife to Enhance Co-living Smart Solutions

Homes Company, a Korean co-living startup, has secured investment from the smart IoT company Aqaralife and is pursuing a business partnership. Through this investment and collaboration, the two companies aim to enhance smart solutions in shared housing facilities, thereby increasing user convenience and operational efficiency. They also plan to collaborate on senior housing spaces and global market expansion in the future. 2407 - 와우테일

Homes Company owns ‘Homes Studio,’ Korea’s first co-living brand, and ‘Homes Stay,’ a hybrid brand offering both short-term stays and long-term co-living. Aqaralife is a joint venture established in Korea in 2019 with the IoT specialist Aqara, providing exclusive high-quality IoT devices and integrated consumer-oriented platforms.

With the continuous expansion of the co-living market driven by the rise in single-person households, Homes Company is expected to maximize customer convenience and operational efficiency by introducing various IoT devices and platforms from Aqaralife, starting with smart door locks, in its newly constructed spaces.

Additionally, Aqaralife plans to promote the widespread adoption of AIoT interior design through Homes Company’s real estate brokerage brand, ‘Mr. Homes.’ Mr. Homes is the largest corporate real estate franchise in Korea, with over 130 franchise locations nationwide. Mr. Homes will offer smart home interiors at the forefront of real estate by connecting Aqara’s interior partners to buyers or tenants upon request.

Song Hee-kyung, CEO of Aqaralife, stated, “Homes Company aims to provide customized residential spaces and services for various lifestyles and all generations, while Aqaralife strives to make every space in daily life safe, healthy, and convenient. Both companies share the same vision. We will create smart IoT spaces that cater not only to co-living brands for single-person households but also to senior housing spaces, and eventually expand globally beyond Korea.”

Lee Tae-hyun, CEO of Homes Company, said, “As we explored ways to improve the quality of residential life from both customer and operational perspectives, we encountered IoT solutions that will expand convenience and efficiency through automation. As Homes increases its global competitiveness, starting with its entry into Japan, the two companies will become excellent partners. We anticipate substantial practical collaboration in various aspects, including co-living and real estate brokerage, that Homes is pursuing.”

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